Tom Struzzieri

HITS Founder Tom Struzzieri


Tom Struzzieri is the founder of HITS, Inc., the largest equine show jumping production company in the world, and has been running world-class events since 1977.


Tom’s foray into triathlon was inspired by his own personal experience with the sport after receiving training sessions for his 50th birthday. Wanting to set a positive and powerful example to his three children that fitness and good health are essential ingredients for living life to its fullest, Tom embraced the challenges and rewards of his training. As many others before him, he became instantly hooked on the sense of fulfillment, well-being and personal accomplishment that came from his triathlon training. Overcoming personal obstacles with the challenges of the swim, bike and run only made it more of a passion and eventually a business interest. Tom recently just completed his fourth full-distance race and his wife Jane is also a triathlete, having competed in several sprint and half distance races.

Inspired not only by his new-found personal passion but also the similarities to his experiences in the equestrian sport, Tom set out to offer the world of triathlon something new and different with the HITS Triathlon Series. Each event offers five different race distances – Full, Half, Olympic, Sprint and Open – realizing HITS’ mantra,“A distance for everyone.”™ But more than offering a complete array of race opportunities, HITS is dedicated to providing the professional quality of a national event producer while delivering the personalized service of small local race organizer. When you call HITS, someone answers the phone.

The first event in the HITS Triathlon Series was dubbed Palm Springs, but actually took place in La Quinta, CA in December 2011. Known for its moderate temperatures during winter months and the rugged beauty of the Coachella Valley desert region, HITS Triathlon Series – Palm Springs has proven to be a perennial favorite of triathletes from all over the country. This event was soon followed by triathlon events in Naples, FL, Ocala FL, Napa Valley, CA, and Hudson Valley, NY. Other events are under review for upstate New York and the Chicago area.