Choosing A Triathlon Olympic Race

For many, a Triathlon is the epitome of athletic endeavors. If you hope to enter any triathlon, you need to be prepared to take on the best available. If you hope to one day enter a Triathlon Olympic Race, you better be ready to face off against the best of the best.

The Olympic Triathlon

In the Olympics, a traditional Triathlon, for both men and women consists of three separate but integrated components. Like other Triathlons, the format is divided into three parts:
1. Swimming
2. Cycling
3. Running

A traditional Triathlon Olympic race consists of a 1500m swim, a 40km cycle and a 10km run. This race takes place without heats in a continuous race towards the finish line. It is a test of versatility, speed and endurance. It requires determination and training to reach this level. Fortunately, many Triathlons – including those that are part of the Alpha Win series throughout the United States offer participants the chance to build towards or equal this goal.

Limitless possibilities

Whether you dream of becoming part of the Olympics or simply enjoy taking part with like-minded individuals in a sport you love, you have options. Throughout the United States, you can find a Triathlon designed to meet your needs and rise to your ambitions.
If you seriously are interested in upping your Triathlon game, even working toward a Triathlon Olympic style performance, look at what we, at Alpha Win have to offer. Contact and speak to one of our informative agents online at